Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The story of animal life.

"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being" -Abraham Lincoln

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." Thomas Edison

"There will never be any peace in the world as long as we eat animals." -Isaac Bashevis Singer

"There will come a time...when civilized people will look back in horror on our generation and the ones that preceded it: the idea that we should eat other living things running around on four legs, that we should raise them just for the purpose of killing them! The people of the future will say "meat-eaters!" in disgust and regard us in the same way we regard cannibals and cannibalism"
-Dennis Weaver (actor)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat.

If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat.

In an earlier stage of our development most human groups held to a tribal ethic. Members of the tribe were protected, but people of other tribes could be robbed or killed as one pleased. Gradually the circle of protection expanded, but as recently as 150 years ago we did not include blacks. So African human beings could be captured, shipped to America and sold. In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today. Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speciesist ethic of the era of factory farming, of the use of animals as mere research tools, of whaling, seal hunting, kangaroo slaughter and the destruction of wilderness. We must take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics. ~Pete Singer

God made all the creatures and gave them our love and our fear,
To give sign, we and they are His children, one family here.
~Robert Browning

Stop the pain and suffering- just follow the this rules. Make your life beautiful.

Go Vegan! Sure you gonna make your life beautiful.

(1) Don't eat animals or their by-products (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, cheese, milk).

(2) Don't wear or use animal products (fur, fur trim, leather, skins, wool, silk).

(3) Tell others why you have made this compassionate choice.

Always be peaceful and polite when expressing your feelings.

Speak out against all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty.

Refer others to our website so they can see for themselves.

Write letters to editors of newspapers, to broadcasters, and to elected officials. - Animals deserve the legal rights not to be used, exploited, and destroyed by humans.

Be a believable witness!

Give only to compassionate and cruelty-free organizations.

(1) Charities that do not test on animals or use animals for research.

(2) Environmental organizations that don't believe in hunting.

(3) Before you give, check carefully to see where their money goes.

(4) Don't be a "meanie greenie.

Buy only cruelty-free makeup, toiletries, and household products.

(1) Products that contain no animal by-products or ingredients.

(2) Products that are not tested on animals.

(3) Educate yourself.

Always adopt companion animals. Do not buy them from pet shops or breeders.

Always spay and neuter companion animals. Prevent over-population.

Support only cruelty-free entertainment with no animal acts, rodeos, or racing.

Life is life we all are same.

Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a animal or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage. ~Sri Aurobindo

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals.

Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him?

Human vs Human Time has come, At last we did it, people started eating babies, baby soup.

Humans are the most dangerous creatures in this world we should not be exists.
The problem with the humans are freedom, god gave us too much of freedom, which we are taking advantage by killing animals. But no body knows how we are paying it back. The average human life is now 40 to 55. After 55 death closer to the person and every sec he pays back what he has done with his life.

Now time has come to all, human vs human = New Creature x human= Ultimate creature.

Watch this Shocking menu website which his in restaurant.

A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost in China currency = approx $4000. A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer. It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming. He pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday. After waiting for a couple of weeks, he took this reporter to the restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the sparerib soup (local code for baby soup) was now available.

This time, it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be a daughter again. So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old. Those babies close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency. The aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency. Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for a couple of hundreds.

The reporter making comment that is this the problem arise from Chinese being taking
too much attention in health or is the backfire when China introduced one child in a
family policy (since majority prefer to have male babies and those poorer families
ended up selling their female babies.)

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Monday, December 20, 2010

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.


You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car. ~Harvey Diamond

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Every Second

Help animal, start thinking, Go Veggie.

Great humans Must Watch.

I want to make a Human slaughter house.

when we will give them a freedom.

Suppose that tomorrow a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth, beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals. Would they have the right to treat you as you treat the animals you breed, keep and kill for food?
--John Harris

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
--Albert Einstein

People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.
--Isaac Bashevis Singer

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
--Leo Tolstoy

Love Animals

When a man has pity on all living creatures then only is he noble.

Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
--Albert Schweitzer

Animal love greater than humans

Go veggie. save our planet.

It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.
—Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
—Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

“Animals are God's creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God's sight…Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to understand the awfulness of innocent suffering. The Cross of Christ is God's absolute identification with the weak, the powerless, and the vulnerable, but most of all with unprotected, undefended, innocent suffering.”— Reverend Andrew Linzey

“They too, are created by the same loving hand of God which Created us...It is our duty to Protect Them and to promote their well-being.”—Mother Teresa

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take care of the world, It is your home!

Please go veggi

Why humans are becoming a food hunger. I think we are the first and last cruel creatures in this world.

Denmark is a big shame The sea is stained in red and in the mean while its not because of the climate effects of nature.

It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilized human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins.

This happens every year in Feroe island in Denmark . In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? To show that they are adults and mature.... BULLLLsh

In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty supporting like a spectator
Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, its near instinct ion and they get near men to play and interact. In a way of PURE friendship

They don't die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child.

But he suffers and there no compassion till this sweet being slowly dies in its own blood

Its enough! We will send this mail until this email arrives in any association defending the animals, we wont only read. That would make us accomplices, viewers.

Take care of the world, it is your home!

This message forwarded by one of my friend. Kindly share your ideas too for save animals. Do at least one right thing.
Please support me your ideas and we can take this messages to all our new generations.

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's not possible to stop the killing until we stop eating and buying those.

It's not possible to stop the killing until we stop eating and buying those.
We are killing animals for human needs.Cruelty to animals is the worst , while killing them pain free is still not ethical , would you justify someone killing you and says "God created you to be killed" ? ... if you think this is funny or not applicable , think twice , there are people who think this way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

History of vegetarianism

History of vegetarianism from wikipedia.

The earliest records of (lacto) vegetarianism come from ancient India and ancient Greece in the 6th century BCE.[12] In both instances the diet was closely connected with the idea of nonviolence towards animals (called ahimsa in India) and was promoted by religious groups and philosophers.[nb 1] Following the Christianisation of the Roman Empire in late antiquity, vegetarianism practically disappeared from Europe.[14] Several orders of monks in medieval Europe restricted or banned the consumption of meat for ascetic reasons, but none of them eschewed fish.[15] It re-emerged during the Renaissance,[16] becoming more widespread in the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1847, the first Vegetarian Society was founded in England;[17] Germany, the Netherlands, and other countries followed. The International Vegetarian Union, a union of the national societies, was founded in 1908. In the Western world, the popularity of vegetarianism grew during the 20th century as a result of nutritional, ethical, and more recently, environmental and economic concerns.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We live by the death of others.

Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others. We are burial places!" He added, "The time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men."

When we lose respect for animal life, we lose respect for human life as well. Twenty-six hundred years ago, Pythagoras said, "Those that kill animals to eat their flesh tend to massacre their own." We're fearful of enemy guns, bombs, and missiles, but can we close our eyes to the pain and fear we ourselves bring about by slaughtering, for human consumption, over 1.6 billion domestic mammals and 22.5 billion poultry a year. The number of fish killed each year is in the trillions. And what to speak of the tens of millions of animals killed each year in the "torture-camps" of medical research laboratories, or slaughtered for their fur, hide, or skin, or hunted for "sport". Can we deny that this brutality makes us more brutal too?

Mahatma Gandhi felt that ethical principles are a stronger support for lifelong commitment to a vegetarian diet than reasons of health. "I do feel," he stated, "that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants." He also said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Many people would no doubt take up vegetarianism if they visited a slaughterhouse, or if they themselves had to kill the animals they ate. Such visits should be compulsory for all meat eater..

We live by the death of others.

Please forward this blog to u r friends and families, let them know truth of animal life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We have to repay it some day

God is watching everything, you have to repay it in some day in a different way more than that.
This is for them who never believes in a god, As long as sun light, air and water present in this planet there is god exists.
Without that we are nothing.
Please just think for min, What you will do if you are in the same place with your family and kids in cage ready to cut of your throat, how you would be in a situations. See the video and comment it, feel it for min. This is not simple video just chating beside with friend watching this video, those been killed for meat and flesh.

Animal feelings has no difference compare to humans feelings.
They feel just like a human.
They protect their pups just like humans
They feed the food&milk better then human.
They have blood which is same color of humans
They have legs just similar to humans
They got they own language we got our own languages.
They got 2 eye and we got the same.
They won't harm unless you do some thing, But we are doing lot.
Last but not the least, We breath to live and animals do the same.
We are all same creatures which environment made and god .

Please help them, they need our helps, God gave use everything why we kill them for stomachs hungry, its just comes in shit.

God is watching everything, you have to repay it in a some day in a different way more than that.
This is for them who never believes in a god, As long as sun light, air and water there god is exists.
Without that we are nothing.

Go veggie
This for you who says killing plants is also effects. But its not.
Eating plants is also killing living things and will create some karmic hindrance, but the effect is very minimal. If one practices the Quan Yin Method for two and a half hours every day, one can get rid of this karmic effect. As we have to eat in order to survive, we choose food which has the least consciousness and suffers the least. Plants consist of 90% water, thus their level of consciousness is so low that it hardly feels any suffering. Furthermore, when we eat many vegetables we don't cut their roots, but rather we help their asexual reproduction by cutting branches and leaves. The end result can actually be beneficial to the plant. Therefore, horticulturists say that pruning vegetation helps them grow large and beautiful.

This is even more evident with fruit. When fruit ripens, it will attract people to eat it by its fragrant smell, beautiful color and delicious taste. It is in this way that fruit trees can achieve their purpose of propagating their seed over a wide area. If we do not pick and eat them, the fruit will become overripe and will fall to the ground to rot. Its seed will be shaded from sunlight by the tree above them and will die. So, eating vegetables and fruit is a natural tendency, which brings to them no suffering at all.

Some one says: If everyone eats plants, will it create a food shortage? No
Using a given piece of land to grow crops provides fourteen times as much food as using the same piece of land to grow fodder to feed animals. Plants from each acre of land provide 800,000 calories of energy; however, if these plants are used to raise animals which are then eaten as food, the animals' meat can only provide 200,000 calories of energy. That means that during the process 600,000 calories of energy are lost. So the vegetarian diet is evidently more efficient and economical than the meat diet.

Some one ssys: Animals are born for people to eat. If we don't eat them, they will fill the world. Right? No
This is an absurd idea. Before you kill an animal, do you ask it if it wants to be killed and eaten by you or not? All living beings desire to live and are afraid to die. We don't want to be eaten by a tiger, so why should animals be eaten by humans? Human beings have only existed in the world for several tens of thousands of years, but before mankind appeared, many species of animals had already existed. Did they overcrowd the earth? Living things maintain a natural ecological balance. When there is too little food and space is limited, this will cause a drastic reduction in population. This maintains the population at an appropriate level.

This for all who says killing animals is right. Then, do one thing let cut off your one finger and post the video here, then comment. Then u will understand what is life and pain.
please don't waste my time with your shit comments against veggie.
Thanks for all who been for veggie and support.

If i am right please forward this blog to all your friends and families.


Watch the Slaughter House (Please let your self know the truth of animal life)

Please let your self know the truth of animal life.
please watch all the videos.

Be Vegetarian (help animals)

Some one said this words its really true, as long as sun out there we must believe the god exists.
I become a vegetarian because the God inside me wants it. Understand? Eating meat is against the universal principle of not wanting to be killed. We ourselves don't want to be killed, and we ourselves don't want to be stolen from. Now, if we do that to other people, then we are acting against ourselves, and that makes us suffer. Everything that you do against others makes you suffer. You can not bite yourself and you shouldn't stab yourself. In the same way you should not kill, because that is against the principle of life. Understand? It would make us suffer, so we don't do it. It doesn't mean we limit ourselves in any way. It means we expand our life to all kinds of life. Our life will not be limited within this body, but extended to the life of animals and all kinds of beings. That makes us grander, greater, happier, and limitless. Okay?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Is this all about meal?
World Hunger
Nearly one billion people suffer from hunger and malnutrition on this planet. Over 40 million die each year of starvation, and most of them are children. Despite this, more than one third of the world's grain harvest is diverted from feeding people to feeding livestock. In the United States, livestock consume 70% of all the grain produced. If we fed people instead of livestock, no one would go hungry.
Animal Suffering
Are you aware of the fact that more than 100,000 cows are slaughtered every day in the United States?
Most animals in Western countries are raised on "factory farms." These facilities are designed to produce the maximum number of animals for slaughter at the minimum expense. Animals are crowded together, disfigured and treated like machines for the conversion of feed into flesh. This is a reality that most of us will never see with our own eyes. It has been said that, "One visit to a slaughterhouse will make you a vegetarian for life."

Leo Tolstoy said, "As long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields. A vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarianism." Although most of us do not actively condone killing, we have developed the habit, supported by society, of eating meat regularly, without any real awareness of what is being done to the animals we eat.

Please go veggie
Little pups in a cage, growing stage

Humans are the dangerous people in the world, we have taken all of our animals freedom, and made our planet hell.
I wish the god replace the humans instead of animals in slaughter house.
Please just think for min, What you will do if you are in the same place with your family and kids in cage ready to kill of your, how you would be in a situations.
Animals nature feelings has no difference which we compare to humans.

They feel just like a human.
They protect their pups just like humans
They feed the food&milk better then human.
They have blood which is same color of humans
They have legs just similar to humans
They got they own language we got our own languages.
They got 2 eye and we got the same.
They won't harm. But we are doing a lot.
Last but not the least, We need breath to live and animals do the same.
We are all same creature which god and environment made for this planet.

Please help them, they need our helps, God gave use everything why we kill them for stomachs hungry, its just comes in shit.

God watching everything, You have to repay it in some day.

god is watching everything, you have to repay it in a some day in a different way more than that.
This is for them who never believes in a god, As long as sun light, air and water there god is exists.
Without that we are nothing.

(Please comment and let me know what you think, And if i am right please forward this blog to all your friends and families)

Behind the scenes of animal life

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ahimsa- Stop injuring of living beings (Stop eating flesh)

Started this blog at 3:44 Mid night Date 6/21/2010. Auckland, Newzealand.
My age is 25. I may leave until 2040. who knows if every thing is perfect, Just guessing. Trust me this is a life. (every flower will die in day end and it will grown another place.
conditions apply-If do good things. Sure you will re birth again)

I have everything in my life money and what ever i want, my life is perfect just middle class dude. But wants to tell some thing to our society which is still we are not Humans.

This blog site is not for earning money funds Or not for any publicity shit. Just trying my best to change the human being to stop killing animals for meat, flesh and meat eaters. At least i may change some people to go veggie. I broke my heart after watched the animal slaughter house. Humans were very dangerous people in the world.( My concept is Stop eating flesh then obviously people stops killing animals). Please don't close this blog until u watch the truth of the animals life. please, Let your self know the truth of how innocent animals are dying for our needs. Now Start learn how to become a real human being, leave peace fully forever.

(Please comment and let me know what you think, And if i am right please forward this blog to all your friends and families)

Little Short Story: The great word Ahimsa means stop injuring of living beings-(8th century BCE).

Ahimsa (Sanskrit word) is a term meaning to do no harm (literally: the avoidance of violence - himsa). It is an important tenet of the religions that originated in ancient the great Gods place India And the word ahimsa very old which may have been written in about the 8th century BCE. (Hinduism, Buddhism and especially Jainism). Ahimsa is a rule of conduct that bars the killing or injuring of living beings. It is closely connected with the notion that all kinds of violence entail negative karmic consequences. The extent to which the principle of non-violence can or should be applied to different life forms is controversial between various authorities, movements and currents within the three religions and has been a matter of debate for thousands of years. Though the origins of the concept of ahimsa are unknown, the earliest references to ahimsa are found in the texts of historical Vedic religion, dated to 8th century BCE. Here, ahimsa initially relates to "non-injury" without a moral connotation, but later to non-violence to animals and then, to all beings. Though ritual sacrifice of animals and meat-eating are condoned in the earliest Vedic texts, other texts present counter-arguments against these activities. In the 19th and 20th centuries, prominent figures of Indian spirituality such as Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Sivananda and A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada emphasized the importance of ahimsa. Mahatma Gandhi applied ahimsa to politics, by his non-violent satyagrahas.